Monday 26 March 2012


The opening of Facebook account helped  me to overcome my shy , introvert nature to a certain extent. Though I am not sure If I behave the same way in real world as I have been in this virtual world.  Here in this virtual domain I don’t feel shy to comment an anything, chat with people. Usually I find myself tongue tied confront people in real life. I simply cannot go against anyone. Though after entering profession I have turned a bit extrovert, that’s not enough to survive and be successful in a world that wants one to be articulate enough. Sometimes I am surprised to find myself advising others, going against others view point, and also turning aggressive. So much aggressive that people get a wrong notion that I am a loud mouth.
            It’s an almost two year journey in this social networking site. I made friends with total strangers and learned many things. More than chatting with people I just love to write. If anybody likes to respond back in the same manner, I find it most friendly gesture. Though most prefer chatting . I think my writing skills got sharpened writing innumerable messages only..Grateful to particular friend who till yesterday was just a stranger to me. I hope this particular friend would not draw wrong conclusions from this post that I made friendship just to sharpen my writing skill. Everything happened by chance but for better only.
            I keep observing peoples activities in this site. Some love to post their personal family/friend’s photographs, videos  or has found this site useful  to voice their opinion for various social causes, or life style issues. My favorite activities though are bit different. I love to comment on people’s status on their activities. It’s is irony that I claim that I have grown a bit extrovert  whereas till today I am yet to upload my original profile pic or any family photo or like that. Another favorite activities of my include to observe peoples photographs.    I feel a person’s photograph tells a lot about his/her current state of mind. Hilarious …Isn’t it? But I feel like that. For E.g A standing posture could say that the person is passing through a confident, ever ready to take on life ….phase, his jest for life. And a sitting posture his relaxed position. As if he has settled down to a comfortable phase.
             At I point of time I wondered whether I have become a Facebook addict. To control myself I once deactivated my account. But only to find myself missing it very much. Nostalgia used to overtake me when I see my friends enjoy on Facebook.  It was really nice to correspond with people from different countries and become friends. I could correspond with like –minded people and also with persons who are professional in the area of my interest. But I feel all people doesn’t share my intention. There are some who send who send friend request  to carry a cyber dating.  
            But overall , I find Facebook very useful for a small town girl like me to communicate with people around the world, share views, opinion be enriched by the process. The fact is effective use of this site so that one’s personality is unraveled marvelously.

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